Do you ever think about how fashion affects your inner self? How it makes you feel...
right down to your shoes? Yesterday..I walked out the door,
and looked at my coat- accessories- shoes- purse...all things
I had gotten while I was visiting New York. Then it dawned on me!
I was dressing like a New Yorker, and not much of the California
girl in me was coming out to say "hello". I felt unique, but I also felt edgy.
Guess clothes do serve a purpose. Well other than dressing you! of course.
They stimulate your attitude, spice up your day, and make you so dang happy.
They make you feel fabulous...and if you're a woman, almost liberating.
This is what a girl loves <3
Where do we post our contest entry to how style influenced me? Youtube won't allow 200 words so it won't fit there?